Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Color Rubber Bands Bracelets Loom

Color Rubber Bands for Bracelets and Loom
Where to buy those color rubber bands for bracelets and loom.  I was amazed how much fun my kids had with these little rubber bands.  My daughter was the one who got the loom for Christmas and she has spent many hours making all kind of things with it from rings and bracelets.  Well I was a little amazed when my 8 year old son was jealous of this present for my daughter and could see he wanted a chance to make his own bracelets and rings.

Well not many bands come with the loom kit and my kids of course wanted different colors.  We happened to got to Target that day for some other items and I was blown away at the highway robbery they were charging for the color bracelets.  Over $6.00 for a small bag of one color!  Wow what a marketing marvel the rubber band industry had though up.  I just could bare myself to buy these at that price for only one color that is when my daughter asked about Michael's Art and Crafts store.  I told her that was a great idea as it wan only a few stores down the way.

We got to Michael's and guess what to my surprise the first isle stand right inside the door was loaded with these color rubber bands for bracelets and they had the loom kits right next to the bands.  There were numerous colors but the good new was the the bands were only about $3.00 a bag.  I told them they could pick out four bags.

We got home and those little rubber bands kept my kids busy for hours build those bracelets and rings.  My son actually did them by hand and my daughter used the loom kit.  Anyway they went through those color rubber bands in nothing flat so I started doing my research and found where to buy those color rubber bands at a discounted price.  Check it out they sell 3 bags for a hair less than $6 that is 1800 bands.

Hope this helps you save money and gives your kids many hours of enjoyment like it did mine.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Buy Walnuts Online and Save

Last night I was in a rush at Price Chopper to get in and get home to bed. One of the items I needed was something to throw on my oatmeal in the morning to give it some kind of taste. I choose walnuts and after getting out of the store I was running the items through my head trying to figure out why my bill was so high. When I read the receipt and I saw the $9.00 for the walnuts I about fell to the ground. $9.00 for this small bag of walnuts? 
When I got home I thought that is the last time I will buy that at a local store and got online to check out the prices. After comparing the prices I will be buying walnuts online instead of the local grocery store.
Get online and check to see if the non perishables you buy at the local store are cheaper. It can save you some major bucks plus you don't spend money on non needed items because if your like me I will always add something I saw on the shelves when walking through the store.
Hopefully I can plan ahead and order online the next time I need walnuts or any other items that I don't have to worry about being shipped.